Water Heater Repair & Installation in Littleton
When was the last time you replaced your water heater? Now might be a good time to check if you can’t remember. With a limited lifespan, it is usually a disaster when they stop working. Technological improvements in recent years mean significant energy savings for your utility bill with a newer model. Here’s everything you need to know about replacing your water heater system.
We Specialize in Installation Services
When installing a new water heater, you must know how much your household uses. A family of four uses much more hot water than one living alone does. If your water heater is too big, it will be heating extra water for no reason, wasting energy. If you’re not heating enough, you may take cold showers. Start logging how much you and anyone living in your house use daily. Then, calculate how many gallons of water you might need. This tells you how much we may need to heat daily.
Efficient Plumbing can determine your household’s water usage and which system is the best for your needs. A typical installation job takes two or three hours, depending on the situation’s complexity. Next, our local and licensed plumber will put the water heater in the right position. The last step is to connect the new system to return things to working order.
Replacement Service You Can Count On
Did you know a water heater uses approximately 20% of your home’s energy costs? It might be time for an upgrade if you have an older model. Newer tanks can save up to $700 a year in energy costs, making a replacement worth the investment. The typical lifespan of a water heater is only 10 to 13 years. Some signs that your unit might be ready for a replacement include:
● The burner or other heating element fails
● The pilot light on your gas model flickers out
● The circuit breakers trips for your electric model
● The valve sticks
● The thermostat breaks
● Rusty water
● Rumbling noise
If you experience any of these symptoms or are simply reaching the end of your water heater’s life, it is in your best interest to replace the unit before it breaks.
Efficient Plumbing Your Water Heater Service Experts
Sometimes, your water heater only needs a repair. Parts can burn out or break, needing a replacement. A professional plumber can help you determine whether replacing the whole heater or just repairing the pieces will be more efficient. Some factors may include:
● Age of the heater
● Severity of the problem
● Energy efficiency
● Proper maintenance
The experts at Efficient Plumbing Services in Littleton are ready to help repair or replace your water heater. We can help you determine which size and system best fits your household needs. With over 18 years of Colorado plumbing experience, our family business is ready to care for your needs. Request a free quote today, and we can start your repair or replacement service soon.