Efficient Plumbing Services
How to Know When Your Main Water Line Needs Replacement

Oftentimes, critical problems with a home’s main water line go unnoticed, even when the central channel is the source of a plumbing issue. While homeowners might not be able to see the signs, there are many things that can affect the efficiency of your principal water line. Time, usage, and environmental conditions are all factors that contribute to the gradual disintegration of your water line.


With this in mind, homeowners in the Littleton area should strive to be aware of signs indicating they should consider getting their main water source replaced. In order to ensure the protection of your Colorado home, as well as the people in it, take time to review the following clues signaling you should consider replacing your water line in the near future.


Reduced Water Pressure

If you turn your tap or faucet on full blast and there is a noticeable drop in water pressure, this is most likely due to a problem with the main water source. Consider calling a professional if you notice you aren’t getting the required water flow.


Incessant Clogs

Recurring clogs occur when a system has been used consistently over a long period of time, allowing the accumulation of debris to build up in a pipeline and cause damage. In the most severe cases, the excess buildup can result in your pipeline collapsing, so be sure to get this problem corrected out as soon as you recognize constant clogs in your plumbing system.


Expensive Utility Bills

A broken water line can result in more expensive utility charges each month. If you notice your utility bills are increasing when the amount of water you use is not, an issue with your central water line may be the source of the problem.


Contaminated Water

If you notice changes in the color of the water through your pipes, or if you see dirt or other strange particles filtering in with the flow, this may mean your main piping system is letting unclean, contaminated water into your home. Over time, this can result in unsanitary and unsafe water filtering through your home’s taps and faucets, so be sure to call a plumber immediately, and refrain from drinking tap water if you detect this problem.

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