Efficient Plumbing Services
Spring Time Water-Saving Tips

15272741_sDoing projects around the house is a favorite activity for the spring months that are just around the corner. Daylight savings time has officially come and, the sun has been showing a warm face lately so spring is definitely in the air.

Spring cleaning and organizing projects are probably on your list of things to do in the coming months. These projects can be great for clearing out the old clutter and having a fresh start to the summer season.

Getting as much done as you can in the spring means not having to do any project in the summer, and instead just enjoying the summer sun. The best way to ensure that you get your spring to-dos done, is to plan ahead.

Using these few weeks of pre-spring, when the weather is mild and there is still enough light outside, will help to ensure that you get your projects done with plenty of time for summer relaxing. In addition to getting prepared, this is the perfect time to start saving money for your spring projects.

When you make sure to get your spring projects done on budget, then you have plenty of money to do all of the things that you want to do in the summer months. There are many ways that people save money this time of year and one of them is to save water.

Here are some simple, if not a bit out of the ordinary, ways that you can save water around your home this month:

  • Insulate your hot water pipes. This is an easy and inexpensive way to save water without doing much or having to change behavior. This will help to limit the water that is wasted when you turn the hot water faucet on and wait for the water to get hot.
  • Wash your car at the car wash instead of using the hose at home.
  • Limit the number of outfits that you and each member of your household own. This will significantly reduce the amount of laundry that is done and therefore the amount of water that is used.

Saving water can make your monthly utility bills much less, and that extra money can go towards your spring projects or even summer fun.


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